Alice – ADOPTED!

“Alice is such a beautiful and friendly little girl!”  That’s what the PetSmart volunteers who take care of me and my siblings, Jacob and Bella are saying!  We are 3-month old kittens who were rescued at a trailer park in Syosset, where our mom had a litter of six kittens.  What a tough time she had in taking care of us until Last Hope stepped in and sent us to loving foster homes.  After some R&R and medical checkups, we’re here at the store as we await our next trip….to our forever homes.  I’m 3 months old and very playful, sweet and cuddly.  What more could anyone want in a little kitten?!  How about stopping by to visit with me?  I think you’ll agree with the volunteers’ assessment of my beauty and adorable kitten qualities!



I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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