Itty Bitty – ADOPTED!!

Hi! My name is ITTY BITTY! Yes, that’s me!  I am a delicate, petite girl. I am approximately 1 yrs. old. I am doing my best to gain some weight—I’ve had a rough start to life. I was found in the back yard of a Good Samaritan in Hunt.Station.  I had been pregnant and chased by a dog—I spontaneously aborted my kittens. I was barely able to care for myself, yet I was pregnant and homeless.

The lady who rescued me brought me to a vet. I weighed only 3 lbs.! Yet, I’m totally healthy I assure you!  I am SOO friendly and lovable; she didn’t have the heart to return me outside. I am a very well behaved, sweet, affectionate, girl! I am a TOTAL LAP CAT!  I would cuddle up on a lap and simply fall asleep!  I would also fall asleep laying on a chest if available. I just love to be loved!

I am truly grateful for being rescued, but SO desperately would like to be a permanent, loving, kind house!   I am not demanding or high maintenance. I am grateful for the little things, especially after my rough life. I would love to be treated like a diva, and I promise to give back 100%.

Please consider adopting me!

Itty Bitty



I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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