Hi, I’m ODIN – a 2 year old Maine Coon Mix – awesome boy!

To make a long story short – about 3 months ago, my family – who adopted me when I was just a few weeks old – left me in a crate outside of a veterinarian’s office.  They were moving and didn’t want to take me – or even bother to try and find me another home.  How sad is that – they are all I that I knew and I loved them for almost 2 years  – but

I was disposable.  They did leave a note stating they were moving and said I was an awesome cat, so they believed I would find another family immediately.  The veterinarian does a lot of the medical checkups on Last Hope’s cats – so they asked Last Hope to take me into the program.

I am in perfect shape, and everyone says I am so handsome and lovable – yet I sit here day in and day out – getting passed up for those luscious little kittens.

You know, I am just a bigger kitten myself – I love to play and what you see is what you get – you never know with those kittens what their personality will be when they are 2 years old!

I will follow you around like a puppy – I LOVE PEOPLE, I LOVE CATS AND I GET ALONG GREAT WITH DOGS…. And most important of all – I LOVE TO BE HELD AND KISSED!   I am a real hands on buddy!!

Word has it that many cats adopted out of here get absolutely wonderful homes – can I bring that magic to your home?  You won’t be disappointed – I just need a heart and home to be opened to me – so I can give you everything I have – and be a real buddy!! I would love to be in a real home to watch the birds from the window and be a part of a family that will love me and keep me forever!

Sincerely yours and forever grateful,




If you have any questions about me or want to hold me, please call Laura @ 631-766-2080 or Mary @ 631-495-5787 to arrange for this ASAP.


I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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