Talia – ADOPTED!!

Hi – I am Talia– A 2-3 year young beautiful mushy lovable Princess! With my coloring – I am called a torte…

Please read my story…

In the fall of 2011, rather than love me and keep me or find me a good home – I was left in a carrier outside of the municipal shelter. Not that it matters at that point, but there was no note why, they didn’t leave my name with them – and they didn’t care to find out what my fate would be – they just dumped me. I am glad that at least I was safe until the shelter opened in the morning to take me in.

I was kind of shy – so needless to say, when anyone came to the shelter, they overlooked me – especially when they had tons of kittens to adopt that were jumping all over the place. But if someone reached out to pet me – I would stretch and be so happy – I love attention and affection, I just am not demanding enough for it.

I was there for over six months, and now kitten season is approaching again – and no one wanted me – so who knows what my fate would have been. So, Last Hope was there taking kittens from the shelter to put into their adoption program – and I am so lucky they picked me.

I am lovable and sweet – and just need a chance to trust someone enough to show it. I don’t have a mean bone in my body. So many people say I am so pretty – but apparently not pretty enough – as I have been in a cage in total for almost 9 months. I would love to just run and play and cuddle – but I just need someone to give me that opportunity.

Last Hope had me tested, wormed, vaccinated. I am medically cleared for adoption – in great shape! I was spayed prior to their acquiring me. They give me tons of love and attention – but their love is spread thin because there are so many of us that are rescued by them and all need hands on and attention.

I just arrived here on Wednesday, May 23rd – and I hope it is from here AND SOON, that I get adopted into a wonderful loving family. I heard there are many awesome adoptions from here – so can it be my turn?

I know my coloring is odd – you either love it or hate it. I can’t control that anymore than anyone else can control their looks. But I am loving and sweet and a buddy – and I hope that is enough for someone to give me love and a home. I promise you, you wont be disappointed.

Thank you for stopping to see me and read my story. It is the only way anyone can adopt me – so maybe it is you or someone special that you know?


If you’re interested in adopting Talia, please call or email Lucy! 917-494-5397 effmanlu@yahoo.com


I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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