Cassie – ADOPTED!

Cassie“Cassie” is a repeat of a far too frequent Beagle phenomenon on Long Island.

She was found on the Edgewood state property off Commack Road in Deer Park where many other abandoned Beagles, of all ages, have turned up over the years. We suspect some are dumped or left behind by rabbit hunters who call their packs but do not wait for stragglers. Except for 3 lost the same day wearing radio collars, no Edgewood area Beagles have ever been claimed by their owners while waiting at Babylon Town Shelter.

Little “Cassie” is only 19 pounds, about 2 to 3 years old, and has the prettiest Beagle face ever.. a slightly turned up nose and perpetual Cleopatra eye make-up. She is a bit shy but so very sweet, and deserves a loving home where she will be cherished forever and a day.


I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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