Ferguson – ADOPTED!

Fergerson“Ferguson” would like to tell you his sad story in hopes that someone will be touched enough to adopt him on his way to happily ever after.

This friendly fellow is a 2-3 year old Lab mix about 50 pounds who came into an overcrowded North Carolina shelter as a stray with an imbedded collar. His wounds are still healing. Presently he is walking wearing a harness and starting to catch on to basic leash manners.

The veterinary program at North Carolina University takes dogs from local shelters to teach students spay/neuter and other routine medical procedures (which is a common practice across the US.) If not adopted by the students or staff, these dogs go back to the shelter and face an uncertain ( actually fairly certain) fate because of the overcrowding. A loving, Lab home would certainly make up for all “Ferguson” has endured thus far.


I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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