Bet you didn’t know our Kittens
go to Drivers’ Ed….

AUDI & his twin brother BENTLEY (not shown, but basically an Audi twin)
drove to PetSmart Bellmore (on Merrick Rd) so they could be showcased for adoption. 
The feline fellows are recovered from their neuter, and ready to go home with “orange tabby baby lovers.” 

AUDI is from the “luxury car litter” born in a Wantagh garage. The home owners tried to care for them but the lady is quite ill and the couple may be losing their home.

MERCEDES the Mom had 4 adorable kittens-AUDI & BENTLEY at PetSmart Bellmore plus LEXUS & sister PORSCHE at Last Hope Wantagh.


I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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