Bella – ADOPTED!!

Bella is adorable to the max!  Look at that little white heart on her face!”  That’s what the volunteers here at PetSmart are saying about me!  I was rescued with my siblings, Jacob and Alice at a trailer park in Syosset, where our mom had a litter of six kittens.  What a tough time she had in taking care of us until Last Hope stepped in and sent us to loving foster homes for a little R&R and a trip to the vet for medical checkups. Now, at the age of 3 months, we’re here at the store as we wait to make one more trip, to wonderful homes of our own.  My foster mom’s nickname for me was “Valentine” because of that little heart on my forehead.  I’m sweet and calm, although I do love to play, too.  Why don’t you stop by to visit with me?  Perhaps I could be your Valentine and find my forever home with you!



I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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