“Black Jack” – Tree Walking Coonhound – ADOPTED

Black Jack 1The reasons that dogs are surrendered to shelters by owners can be real eye-openers. Take “Black Jack” the handsome, about 2 year old Treeing Walker Coonhound, for instance. This skinny fellow was turned into a Virginia shelter because “he wasn’t a good hunter and because he wanted to eat too much”. Yet, it doesn’t look as if he was offered much food. Unfortunately, this sad saga is repeated with hunting hounds in rural states thousands of times. Some are not as fortunate as “Black Jack”; some are left to fend for themselves or shot on the side of the road. Our “Black Jack” deserves a home where his people will not hesitate to feed him or love him. (He will do best in a home without small kids.)

Black Jack 2


I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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