Heathrow-Border Collie mix-ADOPTED!

“Heathrow” Has Heartworm:
He’s not an airport, but instead a bushy, Border Collie mix stray from Hempstead Town Shelter who will be undergoing heartworm treatment after he finishes his doxy/pred pre-treatment. The shelter, our next door neighbor, asked us to take this low key fellow because his recovery should be easier in our small setting.
“Heathrow” is only about 2 years old, …seems he must be British like his namesake. He was offered delicious homemade Irish soda bread at Last Hope and would not taste it.
Perhaps “Heathrow” is not making a political statement by his hunger strike..Maybe he was telling us he was “nervous”, not “British” or “English”, on his first day in a new shelter.



I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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