Jasmine – ADOPTED!

jasmine8“Jasmine” moved next door to Last Hope. We are hoping that the short distance and change of venue will maximize her chances of being noticed and finding a loving home.

“Jasmine” a petite Pit mix, about 2-3 years old, is only 35 pounds. This steely grey beauty came into Hempstead Town Shelter as a stray several months ago. There she was one of over 100 Pit mixes of all shapes, colors and sizes.

She blended in especially because she is quiet and shy. And stayed in a crate in the hallway because the noisy kennel was overwhelming to her. She did well at the training sessions open to volunteers. She tested well with other dogs and cats. At Last Hope she will be within a much smaller canine crowd.

Here is what the Hempstead Shelter evaluation had to say about “Jasmine” when she first arrived:

Strangers/Novelty: Jasmine was friendly and social when approached by the stranger and the doll, though she was a little shy of hands over her head and backed away when cornered by the doll. Handling: Jasmine tolerated all handling components (paws, muzzle, butt). Resources: Though an avid eater from the start, Jasmine left the bowl easily in advance of the second push-out. She showed no interest in the chewy and only mildly interested in toys, which she didn’t guard. Dog/Dog Interaction: Jasmine was social and interested in meeting the helper dog, though she got scared when overwhelmed. She would benefit from play experiences with good, low-key players.



I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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