Kennedi – ADOPTED!

Thank you for visiting with me…& here is my story…



When I was about 5-6 weeks old, my two sisters and I were put in a box, which was taped up and left outside of a veterinarians office in the middle of the night.  We were so tiny that we are fortunate the box didn’t blow away or that we had trickles of air coming in that we didn’t suffocate immediately.  Of course, as soon as one of the vet techs spotted the box, she opened it and found the three of us in there, severely dehydrated and hungry and in need of immediate attention.


On a usual day – the vet would have medically treated the kittens and perhaps brought us to the local Town Shelter.  Pets are dumped there all the time, so they can’t keep and take care of everyone of them.   But they happens to be one of the vets that Last Hope uses and we really needed hands on attention – so Last Hope took us into their program immediately.


I am sad to say one of my sisters didn’t make it – she died shortly after this incident…she was just too dehydrated.  My other sister was weak and ended up with an eye infection, and her eye had to be removed. But she recouped very quickly and was adopted in late September, 2011.  I would have loved to be adopted with her – but there was no room in the family and home for two kittens.  I was fine – I just needed lots of fluids and food and tons and tons of love.


So, I came here in September 25th for an adoption event and was in another cage next to this cage – and couldn’t stop watching Parnell and Pamela play.  I was reaching out and meowing at them.  So, since we could be supervised for many hours that day, I was put in this cage to see how we would be with each other.  Oh my, I immediately crawled into bed and snuggled with Pamela.  I was in heaven.  Then Parnell came over and licked me on the head.    They welcomed me into their “home” and I was so happy.   We never ever fought – neither of us has that type of personality.


I am about 2 weeks younger than Pamela and Parnell – but I am very petite (so I am told).   I love to purr and love to be held.   I play and play and play – and then I conk out – I get so tired and forget that I am still a baby.


I have been tested, wormed, vaccinated and spayed – everything is up to date for a kitten my age.  I have a clean bill of health.


SO HERE I AM,  a big mush, lovable, playful, fur-ball – just love

to play and roll around and love to cuddle too.  I am so happy I was

saved and now hope to find someone who can open their heart and home to me.   I don’t take up much room in your home – but I take up a huge part of your heart…  (humm – if there is a lot of extra room in your heart and home – could you take two of us or maybe the three of us – we are all so lovable and cuddly and are best buds!)   I know that siblings have to be separated many times to get awesome homes – it happens in the best of families – as long as we each get good homes – we will be happy.   But just thought I could put the thought in your heart and head!


Is there a little extra room in your home and in your family to adopt me?  I promise you won’t be disappointed – you will smile!


PURR-fectly yours,




If you have any questions about me or want to hold and cuddle me,

please call  Mary at 631-495-5787 to arrange for this asap.



I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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