Lorelei – ADOPTED!

Hi there! I’m Lorelei and I am a gorgeous 2 year old torti. I also happen to be a DOUBLE DECLAW, which means I have absolutely no claws – which is probably completely unnecessary because I am the sweetest little kitty you will ever meet. I love other cats and I love kids. So anyway, I travelled here from Kentucky where the shelters are overwhelmed because of the major tornado issues going on. Last Hope stepped in and took in a few cats to help out, me being one of the lucky ones! Now the only way I could be luckier is if I could find a family to call my own…so are you on your way to the cat center yet!?

If you’re interested in meeting Lorelei, please call or email Amanda. 631-896-3889 wilsona04@centenarycollege.edu


I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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