RON is a Remarkable Pup.
He is a 2 yr old Huckleberry Hound mix from Georgia shelter.
RON attended an 8 week training course at the local prison and graduated the class but then had to come back to the shelter since he was not pre-adopted.
He is super dog friendly, quiet and calm. He is social and loves affection, but he is quite shy in our kennel.
In most prison dog training programs, the shelter dog stays in the cell of the prisoner training him when classes are not in session. The dog & prisoner often bond closely.
These programs can be quite beneficial to the inmate too. Sometimes, their partnership becomes the first time the prisoner has taken responsibility for another being’s welfare, nutrition & companionship. The dog becomes an “agent of slobbery rehabilitation ” for a person who may have had a hard time fitting into the community.
Prison dogs like RON have changed many of society’s outcasts’ lives for the better.
In the meantime, Last Hope wants a Home & Better Life for rehabber RON too.
**Note: In 1981, Sister Pauline Quinn, a Dominican nun, started the first prisoner dog training program in Washington State.

I've found my forever home! Thank you!