Trofast – ADOPTED!!

Hi!  My name is Trofast, which means “faithful” in Danish!  I was given that name because of my very nice and friendly personality. My sister, Tiesa, and I were abandoned in a box in the parking lot of a store.  Can you imagine?!  Who would do that to us?  We’re the sweetest kittens ever!  Well, I really do think we were very lucky because we were rescued, became Last Hope kittens, went to a caring foster home for a bit, and now we’re here at PetSmart being taken care of by devoted volunteers while we await our forever homes.  Besides being a beautiful little 3-month old tabby guy, I’m polydactyl, with extra “thumbs” on my front paws.  It is said that polydactyl cats bring luck to those who adopt them!  Soooo….what are you waiting for?!  Come on over to see me!  If you decide to give me (and maybe my sister, too) a home of my own, we’ll both be very lucky!  I can guarantee it!



I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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