Twice as nice!

A letter received from LillyBelle and Mia…


Hey Gale
Everything is going great for Lillybelle (now Shinobi). She’s living up to her name; she’s our little ninja. She’s very light on her feet, so it seems like she’s always sneaking up on us. She needs her space to be comfortable, so she’s been known to jump on top of the furniture and knock everything onto the floor so she can get the most out of the location. She enjoys looking out the window, so we recently purchased a headboard that she’ll be able to jump onto to watch the great outdoors to her heart’s content. She loves to explore everything (and everyone). She really enjoys the television; anything that starts moving across the screen has given her an open invitation to attack.

A few days after she came home, it seemed like she might get lonely without another cat around to play with, so we brought Mia (now Pax) home from Last Hope in Huntington. Since they didn’t come from the same place it was shaky at first, but they’ve warmed up to each other. Pax is a very calm and peaceful girl; she doesn’t make much noise and she never bites or scratches (Shinobi gives love bites from time to time). She’s a bit shy, so she’s been spending a lot of time underneath the dresser for now, but she’s starting to break out of her shell and has been venturing out to see everyone. We’re letting them each adapt at their own pace, though Shinobi decided that she owned the room and everything/everyone in it from day one.

Both are very smart and very playful in their own ways. They’ve captured our hearts, and my fiance and I will do everything we can for them; they deserve the best.
I’ve attached a few pictures of each of them, and also one of their first face-to-face encounter.



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