OREO- male Border Collie/Husky- Adopted


OREO is so sweet.

This young, male Border Collie/Husky was turned into a canine-crowded Texas shelter by a man who said he found the dog as a stray.

(But the kids with him were crying…so who knows if the man was being honest?)

OREO is lovable & cuddly, & if he is truly part Border Collie, he will be smart, energetic & more comfortable in a new home where his mind & muscles are stimulated with training plus useful tasks to do.

You do not have to purchase a flock of sheep, or a dog sled.
Other jobs such as investigating scents & finds on long, daily walks; obedience or agility training or even teaching OREO how to tidy up could keep OREO & his new owners very happy.

Young Border Collie & other Herding breeds are not couch potatoes. They are active, thinking pup participants in life.


I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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