Hi. I’m Jocelyn and you can probably tell by my picture that I’m a little worried.  (okay, a LOT worried but I don’t like to admit that!)   The problem is I’ve been chosen to be Miss April for Last Hope and here we are more than half-way through the month and I’m STILL not adopted!!   How can this be?   I know I’m not perfect, and there are definitely plenty of other girls out there who might be prettier, thinner, younger or more polished than I am but….I promise you I am really a catch! (and I’m only 5 years old!).    I adore companionship, attention and affection, I love to be part of anything and everything that is going on around me, and my friends here at the Huntington Cat Adoption Center keep talking about how sweet and wonderful I am.   However,  I’ve been overlooked for so long now that I’m beginning to wonder what is wrong with me?  Can someone out there please please help me to discover, instead, what is right with me??? Being homeless for over a year has been hard on me and I don’t know how much longer I can take it before I might become bitter and disinterested in moving forward in my life.  I am nice to everyone (people of all sizes, cats, even small dogs!) and I long to have a home I can call my own!

If interested in meeting or adopting our sweet Jocelyn, you can call or email her friend Lucy to set something up at effmanlu@yahoo.com or 917-494-5397.  She is really an amazing little lap cat who can bring joy to your heart today if given the chance!


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