A Good Samaritan found “Bart” a tall Beagle mix, almost Harrier size, wandering in Deer Park right before Christmas when the town shelter was closed. He spent the holiday at the emergency hospital for safe keeping, and then was picked up by Babylon Shelter on 12/26.

You’d think that someone would come looking for such an agreeable guy; yet, no one did. “Bart” is 36 pounds and about 6 years old. He is quiet and seems to get along well with other dogs. Caged cats that lash out don’t seem to bother him.”Bart” just goes with the much though, that he let a volunteer dress him in a frog costume for his ride to Last Hope…He loved it, and was so proud to arrive in Wantagh in “full frog regalia”.


I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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