The Sounds of Silence: Beautiful BEVERLY did not try to make anyone notice her; but, thankfully, an extraordinarily kind volunteer did notice her.
Two weeks ago, BEVERLY was 1 of 38 cats that Last Hope spay/neutered on the veterinary mobile van in our parking lot.
Try to picture 38 towel-covered humane traps & carriers holding 38 post-surgery cats in recovery, spread out on the floor of a space the size of a small classroom.
Helpers need to move each towel to check how each feline patient is faring while waking up from anesthesia.
The extraordinarily kind person noticed how low- key & thin BEVERLY was when her trapper dropped her off early morning…and how she stayed low -key all day, waiting her turn on the van for spaying, and more so post-surgery.
BEVERLY stayed in her trap, almost frozen in that combo frog/Sphinx position most of us associate with young dogs (not cats).
Her body frame looked concave & bony.
Was she ill? Was she super-scared?
When the trapper came to pick up BEVERLY, we learned this petite, 5 month old tabby would be recovering under the care of an overwhelmed senior citizen who had too many cats.
It was worrisome. BEVERLY would blend into the background there as she had almost done at the TNR clinic.
And she would be staying under the overwhelmed senior’s care for the rest of her life.
If she was sick, or if there were surgical complications, she may silently suffer & die.
No one would know.

The extraordinarily kind volunteer advocated on BEVERLY ‘s behalf, asking if she could stay at Last Hope (rather than go back to that 82 year old caretaker) for observation, bloodwork, a vet exam the next day when Last Hope had an intake clinic.
She offered to pay.”No, that’s okay”. She offered to take BEVERLY home…”No, that’s okay”.
If BEVERLY tested leukemia + or had another deadly disease, euthanasia would be more humane than sending her back to suffer in silence.
Last Hope prez Linda agreed…And in the end , the best case scenario prevailed.
BEVERLY is healthy, friendly & younger than we knew.
PURRhaps, she was low -key all day because of the misery of her overcrowded, neglected life thus far.
BEVERLY has an ear-tip as her badge of honor…because she would have gone back to that unsettling setting if it weren’t for the extraordinarily kind volunteer noticing her despite this kitten’s “Sounds if Silence”.
Instead, BEVERLY will be waiting at Last Hope, her safe haven, for a Loving, Forever Home.
And, yes, Last Hope adores our many compassionate volunteers.
I've found my forever home! Thank you!