CALLIE MAE asks: “May I Live with YOU?

What a Difference TLC Makes….
She is such a HAPPY DOG after lots of Love & Attention from Last Hope Volunteers.
CALLIE MAE smiles, plays ball, tries to be a lap dog, is thrilled to see everyone, rolls over for belly rubs, romps in the play yard..Volunteers gave her a taste of the good life. Adoption should be on the horizon for her soooon.
This 2- 3 year old Lab mix ( 50 lbs) had a rough life in Georgia before being surrendered under duress to the local shelter. Her former owner was threatened with cruelty charges by Animal Control unless she was relinquished.
CALLIE MAE was tied to a tree with no shelter. She had already whelped many litters of pups in her young life. The photo below shows CALLIE has had multiple litters.
The shelter staff said: ” Quiet and calm. Loves all of us at the shelter. Happy to receive affection. Heartworm negative. Cat friendly.”
CALLIE was frightened upon arrival at Last Hope. Our volunteers showed CALLIE MAE the bad experiences are behind her now, and the best is yet to come.
CALLIE deserves a life without neglect…a life with people who appreciate her…and a life filled with joy & love.
To meet CALLIE MAE by appointment at Last Hope in Wantagh, please submit a dog adoption application found on the Last Hope website homepage.

I've found my forever home! Thank you!