Drake – ADOPTED!

Drake“Drake” is a patient Pit… Let’s make that “Patient” with a capital P. He entered a town shelter as a stray puppy in August 2010.

This brindle boy spent over 3 years at Babylon Town Shelter waiting for someone nice to notice him. He blended in with the overflow of Pits just like him at this shelter, and every town shelter in the Northeast. Brindle is an “invisible” color pattern within the Pit plenitude. However, the shelter director noticed him…the staff noticed him…the volunteers noticed him…..They grew to admire his patience, perseverance and stamina, and watched how well “Drake” kenneled despite his prolonged confinement, but no one visiting the shelter ever expressed an interest in adopting this poor Pit.

One volunteer in particular took a special interest in “Drake” and spent each day working on perfecting his leash skills and manners.”Drake”‘s mentor accompanied him on his big move to Last Hope and is visiting to help him transition to his new digs.

Despite his history, “Drake” is a happy, exuberant, agreeable boy. He has attended off-site adoption events, and does well with everyone he meets. At the Bully Breed Brigade last month, “Drake” pranced up on the stage and cradled his head in his volunteer escort’s arms as his name and plight were announced to the crowd.

Now “Drake” is at Last Hope. We are hoping that being in a smaller setting will make his charisma more conspicuous …and that someone nice will finally notice “Drake”.


I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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