Please Select HECTOR. Why? Because He Neeeeds You.?
HECTOR is the only 1 of our 6 Enigma County rescued pups without adoption interest yet.
These 6 Chihuahua/Jack Russell mix boys were saved at the request of the Georgia shelter transport coordinators.
Enigma County in Georgia doesn’t have a county animal shelter. One kind woman residing there tried to “become the county dog shelter”, but , of course, she was quickly overwhelmed & had many more dogs than she could handle. There were threats of some of her dogs being euthanized…it is unclear by whom.
The fact all 6 chosen by Last Hope look alike & are young makes us wonder if she was inadvertently letting them breed and adding to the dog surplus in shelter-less Enigma County.
Last weekend when he arrived at Last Hope, HECTOR began as the most shy of the 6. He stayed on his cot at the back of his kennel & was reluctant to venture out of the safety of his cage.
But little by little, he is coming to the
front of his enclosure when lured, and also on his own.
HECTOR is 1 year old & only 10 pounds.
He is making progress , and may relax more quickly & completely in a home where he will be away from the noisy kennel, receive 1 on 1 attention and gradually be socialized to the wonderful sights & sounds in a pampered pet dog’s world.
Yes, Select HECTOR. He neeeeeds YOU.

I've found my forever home! Thank you!