Jewel…a precious Gem

We received an email from Jewel’s new family…

We’ve had Jewel now for 2 weeks, and she’s fitting right in! She came to us on the day of hurricane Irene, so we were afraid that she’d be off to a bad start (new home, scary hurricane…not a good combo!)…but I have to say, I don’t think she noticed a thing. She left her carrier, and declared us her new family, and this her new home! She now bosses around her 15 pound brother and runs things in the kitchen at dinner time! We’re so happy to have her, and Vito is thrilled to have some company when we’re at work!

Thanks so much for taking care of her until she could become a member of our family!

Attached are a few pictures (one of them is her caught mid-yawn!).

Erica & Ron Marinaccio

We are so happy that Jewel has adjusted and thank you Erica and Ron (and Vito)  for opening your hearts and home to her!!

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