Lizzie – ADOPTED

LizzieIf only shelter dogs could talk? Then, they would be able to tell us the real story of what happened to them, where they came from, and how they got in such terrible condition. Talking dogs would be able to verify if the “Good Samaritan” turning them in at the town shelter as strays was telling the truth.

“Lizzie”, an emaciated American Bulldog mix, is such a dog. She has the walking skeleton look. Someone showed up at Hempstead Shelter claiming to find her nearby but the details were vague. Maybe the person was telling the truth. Maybe not.

Despite her look of being starved, “Lizzie” is a happy girl, friendly to everyone. She gravitates toward kids and seems fine with other dogs. She’s about 3 years old, and has had pups. We are going to work on putting some meat on her bones. With TLC, that shouldn’t take long. Then she will be ready for a wonderful home.



I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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