LUCY- Adopted

Her Saga is sad but that is about to change.
LUCY is a stunning longhair tabby born in California 6 months ago. A student traveled cross country with her to Hofstra.
She moved into a rental house on Uniondale full of other Hofstra students, and began to neglect this sweetheart of a kitten whom she named LUCY.
LUCY was thin, hungry and infested with fleas. Recently her student owner began to flunk out of college. She threatened to abandon LUCY when she moved back to the West Coast.
Other students in the rental house became worried about LUCY’s future & present state.
They tried to give her a flea bath, then gathered her up in a box and towel while driving around looking for a place to take the still-infested kitten.
They made a stop at Last Hope parking lot while the cat was still dripping wet. When we felt her bony skeleton, sopping fur and fleas, along with hearing her pathetic plight, LUCY became a Last Hope kitten faster than the time it takes to ease a Capstar pill down her throat to rid her of the rest of her fleas.
LUCY was just spayed and in a few days will be recovered enough to go to a home where she can be showered with LOVE.

I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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