Mattie (formerly Betty)…livin’ the life!

After 3 long years of being part of the Last Hope family, we are happy to report that Betty, who is now known as Mattie…but will forever be Betty to us…now has her own real family complete with giant cat scratching tower and cozy blankets to lounge on. She is doing wonderful and we couldn’t be happier!!


We have now had Betty, renamed Mattie, for a month and we just wanted to send you an update to let you know how she is doing. She has adjusted very well and we love having her as part of our family! She is enjoying ruling her two humans in her apartment and she lounges on the couch, has a nook in the closet and has many toys to play with (although, in true cat fashion, her favorite items are empty paper bags!). We are so happy we were able to adopt her and give her a forever home! A big thank you to everyone who looked after her for the three years she was at your center. We appreciate all that you do and feel very fortunate we were able to take a very loving kitty home with us.

All the best,
Tracy, Eric & Mattie

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