Mikey Pickles…The best Christmas gift!!

Wantagh Center free roamer Mikey was adopted by one of our volunteers Laura L. Here’s what she had to say about Mikey…

Mikey is doing fine and loving his new home. I am not changing his name, I am keeping it Mikey. I did add a middle name though…It is Pickles.  Sounds like a gangster doesn’t it??  lol

Besides wrestling with my other cat and running up and down the stairs he loves to drink out of the toilet and lay on the kitchen floor.  And boy can he eat!  Poor Noodles doesn’t even have a chance.

I bought Mikey a new bed but he insists on sleeping in Noodles bed and also loves laying across my dining room table.  He definitely has a mind of his own that’s for sure.

I can’t wait until Christmas morning when he opens his presents.  I filled his new stocking with lots of toys.   He is going to be one spoiled kitty that’s for sure.

I am so happy my sister adopted him for me as my Christmas gift.   That was the best gift I could ever have and I’m sure for Mikey too! I’m looking forward to long happy and healthy life with him.

We all couldn’t be happier for Mikey…he is a wonderful cat with a lot to offer who went to a wonderful volunteer who has a lot to give!!!!

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