Roy-Beagle puppy-ADOPTED!

Say Howdy to ROY!
He’s an adorable 7 month old Beagle puppy, a stray from Bowling Green Shelter in KY. He’s the larger Beagle variety and has a beautifully marked face.

ROY arrived from Portchester , NY for the last leg of his long journey along with 5 KY pup pals.
It’s amazing to see how sociable & happy transport dogs like ROY are when they get to their destination. …after many hours in crates enroute to Long Island.
Do they have some intuition that the Best is Yet to Come?
Come to Last Hope and Ask ROY. Bet you will want to take him HOME.


I've found my forever home! Thank you!

This entry was posted in 6 to 12 Months, Adopted, Adopted Dogs, Dog Center, Dogs, Male. Bookmark the permalink.

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