Last Hope Thrift Shop in Huntington Needs More Volunteers. We Hope to Open More Days Per Week.
Wanna Join Our Thrift Shop Team?
Currently,, we are open 4 days a week- Wednesday through Saturday from 10am to 3pm.
If you volunteer, You can work a full or half day at our magical shop where we turn generous donors’ unwanted merchandise into vet visits, veterinary surgeries, meds, food, shelter rent, transport fees & every expense generated by an Adoption Center that inspires at least 900 dog & cat adoptions a year, plus the spay/neuter of 1,000s of feral cats.
A Thrift Shop is a giant treasure chest. Our volunteers get to sort, price, display, sell, pack & BUY unique 1- of -a- kind items. designer fashion at discount prices, vintage jewelry, historical artifacts, handmade merchandise & more.
Talking to our customers is wonderful PR for Last Hope & our orphan animals.
Visit our shop at 274 New York Ave Huntington 11743 to see how special it is.
Also- Do you have a friend or relative who could spare a few hours at our Thrift Shop?
We will train you, and support you.
If interested , call Cathy at 516-840-3659.