Aunt Jackie in Kentucky is a Last Hope rescue partner who’s become like family to us.
The dogs she saves & fosters have harrowing backgrounds. Aunt Jackie brings them from the dark to the light locally, and we do the rest once they get to Last Hope.
RUTHIE is a Special Beagle who attracted Aunt Jackie’s attention immediately.
She was a neglected, discarded stray at Marion County Shelter in KY. She was covered with fleas & ticks when Jackie took her.
The shelter put her age at 8, and thought she had mammary tumors. Jackie’s vet instead diagnosed a hernia.
RUTHIE had surgery to repair the hernia, a cherry eye and spay. The vet said the hernia had lots of adhesions and was probably bothering her a long time.
The shelter said RUTHIE was low key, but once in foster care with Jackie, she showed her spunk & sweetness. She is lively, adores all her toys and loved to play & sniff with her look-alike Beagle Boy- BENNIE BOO- now at Last Hope too.
Jackie says,, despite neglect, RUTHIE doesn’t have a mean bone in her body , and would likely be good with kids.
Jackie has given RUTHIE ” a new leash on life”. Now Last Hope needs to find RUTHIE her person or family who can provide “her private paradise & safe yard”.
I've found my forever home! Thank you!