PAPPY- Beagle- Adopted


1st Steps to a Better Life for PAPPY- a Beagle with a Hunter’s Telltale Cut Ears

At 3:30 am Sat. PAPPY & 17 other homeless dogs were loaded into STAR prez’ Aunt Jackie’s van for the long ride from Kentucky to various rescues in the tri-state area.

Before dusk with gentle coaxing, sweet PAPPY took his first steps at Last Hope toward his new life as a cherished NY Beagle.

At first he hesitated to leave the security of his crate.

PAPPY may have wondered:
“Is this strange smelling, faraway parking lot a new place where I will be released to hunt?

And when I fail because hunting is not my thing, will I be forced to go without supper again? ”

No, PAPPY, you will never have to hunt again. TLC, STAR & LAST HOPE, promise you won’t.

PAPPY was saved in KY by TLC founder Aunt Julia who also fostered him.

After 7 years of uncertainy about food & care, PAPPY, you will find a real HOME with people who LOVE you..

There will be a warm bed, regular meals and folks who put your welfare & comfort first.

We can’t erase your past, or make your cut ears whole again, but our collaborative rescue efforts can make sure your future is bright. Last Hope volunteers will shower you with TLC until you are adopted.

Now , PAPPY, go sniff out a great HOME with your nose & best Beagle charm.



I've found my forever home! Thank you!

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